Simplification of Procedure for Payment of Provisional Family Pension

  • If a claim for family pension in Form 14 along with death certificate and bank account details of the claimant has been received and the Head of Office is satisfied about the bonafide of that claim, he shall sanction provisional family pension immediately. The Head of Office shall not wait for forwarding of the family pension case (including Form-14, Form-18 and other relevant documents mentioned in Rule 80) to Pay & Accounts Office before sanctioning the provisional family pension. The amount of provisional family pension shall not exceed the maximum family pension as admissible under Rule 54 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972.

  • The Pay & Accounts Office shall release the provisional family pension on the basis of sanction order issued by the Head of Office without insisting for any other documents including service book. The provisional family pension shall be paid in the same manner as Pay and Allowances of the establishment are paid.

  • The payment of provisional family pension sanctioned above may initially continue for a period of six months from the date, following the date of death of employee. The period of such provisional family pension sanctioned may be further extended, for not more than six months at a time, on the advice of Pay & Accounts Office and with the approval of Head of Department (HOD).

  • The provisional family pension may continue to be paid for two months succeeding the month in which the Pension Payment Order for final family pension is issued by the Pay & Accounts Office, keeping in view the time likely to be taken by Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) and Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) for processing the case. While authorizing final family pension after receipt of complete family pension case, the Pay & Account office shall indicate the date from which the family pension authorized in the Pension Payment Order is to be paid by the Pension Disbursing Authority. Accordingly, the Office of Pay & Account may record a note in the Pension Payment Order, as mentioned below, while authorizing the final family pension: “Provisional family pension has been/shall be paid for the period from ------- to --------- @ Rs. -------------- plus Dearness Relief. The payment of final family pension may be commenced by the bank w.e.f. ------------.”

  • However, there will be no change in regard to the provisions for sanction of provisional gratuity under Rule 80-A. Action for sanction of death gratuity under rule 80-A may be taken by the Head of Office after forwarding Form-18 and other relevant documents to Pay & Accounts Office. In case the amount of provisional family pension is later found to be in excess of the final family pension, the same may be adjusted from the amount of death gratuity, failing which, it may be recovered in instalments from the family pension payable in future.

DoP&PW OM No. 1/11/2020-P&PW (E) dated 29.07.2020

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