Enlisting of Operational Staff in Department of Posts for grant of Overtime Allowance

ఓవర్ టైం అలవెన్స్ మంజూరు కోసం తపాలా శాఖలో "ఆపరేషనల్ స్టాఫ్" కేటగిరీల క్రిందకు వచ్చే సిబ్బంది జాబితా గురించి తేదీ 08.07.2020 నాటి డైరెక్టరేట్ మెమో నంబర్ F.N0.52-01/2018-PAP

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)/PAP Section

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001.
Dated: 08 July, 2020.

1. All Chief Postmasters General/ Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/ PLI Directorate
3. Director RAKNPA/ GM CEPT/ Directors of All PTCs,
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K. Pui•am, New Delhi
5. All General Managers (Finance)/ DAP/ DDAP

Subject:     Enlisting of "Operational Staff' in Department of Posts for grant of Overtime Allowance-Regd.

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     This is regarding preparation of a list of staff those coming under the categories of 'Operational Staff for the purpose of grant of Overtime Allowance as per Department of Personnel & Training 0M No. A-27016/03/2017-Estt. (AL) dated 19.06.2018.

2.    In this regard, Secretary(Posts) has approved to the following staff for inclusion in the category of "Operational Staff':
1. MTS
2.Lift Operator
4.Asst. Wiremen
5.Operator (E&M)
6.Asst. Operator (E&M)
8.Care Taker
9.MMS Drivers
10.Staff Car Drivers
11.Driver of Inspection Vehicles
14.Postal Machinery Assistant (PMA)
16.Mail Guard
17.Sorting Assistant
18.Postal Assistant (PO)
19.Postal Assistant (SBCO)
20.LSG Supervisor (Postal)
21.LSG Supervisor (RMS)
22.LSG supervisor (SBCO)

3.    The payment of Overtime allowance will be on the basis of following recommendations made by the Committee:

(I).    The rates of OTA prescribed vide DoP&T 0M No. 15012/3/86-Estt. (Allowance) dated 19.03.1991 will continue to operate for Operational staff categories, subject to the fulfillment of other conditions prescribed by the Government from time to time.

(II).   The ceiling for the payment of OTA may be calculated as per Directorate instructions issued vide order no. 28-02/2015-PE-II dated 24.05.2016 for categories of Operational staff recommended for the purpose of grant of OTA.

(III).   The Postmen staff that are performing double duty and are getting double duty Allowance in lieu of double duty will be entitled for claim of Over Time Allowance. The OTA should not be granted to any other staffs that are getting double duty allowance in lieu of double duty in the category of Operational staff as identified.

(IV).   The grant of OTA may be linked to biometric attendance, where it is already in operation. Wherever biometric attendance is not in operation, it should be made operational, as far as possible, at the earliest.

4.    Grant of OTA may be subject to the conditions mentioned below:

(a).    OTA should be paid only when his/her senior officer directs the concerned employee(s) in writing for staying in office to attend urgent nature of work.

(b).    The OTA will be calculated on the basis of biometric attendance, if it is available. Where such systems are not available existing checks and balances may continue.

(c).    The OTA for Staff Car Drivers should generally be linked with biometric system, if available, as normally, the designated parking is allotted in the office building. However, in cases where the parking lot is provided far from office or where due to official exigency, it is not possible to come back to office building or where biometric system is not operational, the calculation be done from log books, duly verified by the officer concerned.

5.    This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 12/2020-21/FA/CS dated 06.07.2020.

(Dr. Vincent Barla)
Director (Estt)

Copy to:
1. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ PS to Director General Postal Services.
2. Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/ Member (P)/ Member (O)/
3. Member (PLI)/ Member (Banking)/ Member (Tech)/ Member (Plg & HRD)
4. AS & FA
5. sr. DDG (Vig) & CVO/ sr. DI)G (PAF)/ Director General (Audit)
6. Secretary, Postal Services Board Chief Engineer (Civil) Postal Directorate
8. Admin/Cash & Accounts/Budget Section/ PA Wing/ STT Section of Postal Directorate
9. All other Sections of Postal Directorate
10. All recognized Federations/ Unions/ Associations
11. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India Post website
12. Guard File/Spare Copies.

(Dr. Vincent Barla)
Director (Estt)

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